UNISOL Fiber Optic Attenuators are used in optical circuits to reduce or balance the power of transmitted light from one device to another. The optical single mode and multimode attenuators are male to female configured and have an FC, SC, and LC in PC, UPC, and APC configurations and ST, MU in UPC configuration. Single Mode Attenuators have wave lengths ranging from 1310nm to 1550nm, whereas Multi Mode Attenuators have wave length of 850nm. Connectorized fixed value plug type fiber optic attenuators, inline fiber optic attenuators, and variable fiber optic attenuators are available.
Fixed fiber attenuators, which can reduce the power of fiber light at a fixed value loss, and variable fiber attenuators, or adjustable fiber optic attenuators, which can produce a variable loss in the fiber optic link, are the two types of fiber optic attenuators.
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